Be Responsive and Intentional

This montage represents articles published in 2023, speaking to what was top of mind [heart] – and how these topics are attuned to our values – choice, transparency, and trust.

Share with us your favorite article – and what about the article that gave you pause for consideration.

And while you’re at it, what was a poignant moment for you in 2023?

For me, it is realizing that going slow allowed me to arrive more purposefully at a destination. Knowing full well that there would be zigs and zags – yet the slower pace allowed space to be responsive and intentional.

I have been reflecting on the books that have impacted my understanding and perception of the world this year. On average, I read fifty books and a ton of articles, receiving much enjoyment from the sheer pleasure. 

Sharing a short list of notable quotes and questions from the books that were most impactful on my psyche in 2023:

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Novelette A. DeMercado, MS, PCC, CPDC, NBHWC
Founder/Chief Possibility Director

I’m drawn to the process of learning – the possibilities it holds – of things yet to be realized. Continuously expanding the sphere of understanding is a delight that transports the imagination. I set high expectations for myself, which signals confidence in my capacity to deliver outstanding results. Completing the task is its own reward and that internal drive motivates the journey.

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