Imagining manifests what is possible

Coaching is an incremental process of unearthing what was declared as possible and seeing where the journey takes you. Following Karen’s shared insight, I asked,

What would it look like for you to trust yourself fully? To change the ending of the narrative, to live your best life, to know what love feels like on multiple levels – love of a friend, a romantic love, and love of self?”

She is still pondering this question.

Emphasizing the importance of Karen’s ongoing hard work to be her best self, she had to work through some discomfort as a result of an interaction with a church volunteer, who she perceived as overly zealous.

Whilst one-on-one therapy and group therapy sessions are Karen’s emotional and mental well-being exploration spaces, I am acutely sensitive that I am on the shorelines when someone brings their behavioral health and emotional well-being into the coaching session. Though I do not shy away from these occurrences, that is not my area of training or discipline.

With the support system Karen had in place, her openness, and my seeking permission to approach topics that might be activating, we developed the trust and rapport to dive in.

Feeling shame for not reciprocating the exchange and not wanting to be in a transactional relationship with the church volunteer, Karen continues to test out how much she would integrate and engage in the group. We explored what it is that supports her and what it would mean for her to have conversations to express her needs, while engaging with the individual to express what they heard her say; to gain clarification. This situation zeros in on ‘social engagement’, which is an area where Karen is testing out her boundaries.

Thus far, Karen has had many profound insights in the coaching process. At this stage of her life, she is exploring past wounds and finding safe places where she can experience what that means for her. She is really being vulnerable and digging deep into what it will take for her to manifest her well-being vision — “to be more comfortable with community interactions, while remaining sober.”

Additionally, she is forging relationships that she finds supportive. Most recently, Karen joined an interactive and engaging journaling group for women, where each woman writes what pieces of herself define them beyond their trauma. The journal group has been helpful with her social anxiety and has brought her closer to her coaching aspiration.

We are still in a coaching relationship, yet I wanted to share a few deep insights about Karen. As well, Karen’s journey is a great showcase of when one shows up for themselves in such an intimate and profound way, and unpacks what is going on, what can actually be revealed.

Thanks for taking time to follow Karen’s story and be on the lookout as I share more client stories.

At BETA Coaching & Consulting, we partner with clients to co–create ecosystems of well–being that help the individual’s and the organization’s purposes be in harmony with one another. We believe that well–being is not achieved alone; it is an interconnected societal web where we strive to thrive.

Ready to begin your well-being journey?

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise indicated, all the names in writing above are fictitious to protect the individuals’ privacy. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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Novelette A. DeMercado, MS, PCC, CPDC, NBHWC
Founder/Chief Possibility Director

I’m drawn to the process of learning – the possibilities it holds – of things yet to be realized. Continuously expanding the sphere of understanding is a delight that transports the imagination. I set high expectations for myself, which signals confidence in my capacity to deliver outstanding results. Completing the task is its own reward and that internal drive motivates the journey.

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