Land Before Taking Flight

Maureen* started coaching one month prior to the quarantine (March 2020) with the desire to practice healthy habits that would lead to greater vitality. As a change-maker and influencer with a strong spiritual practice, she wanted to bring satisfaction, stability, and balance to her life. Maureen adopted several movement activities and nutritional practices to decrease her weight by 12% that were steadily implemented with success. She disclosed a pattern of emotional eating that often increased along with her stress levels. 

During the pandemic, Maureen shifted her priority, explored how to better use her time, and addressed the paradoxes of dealing with uncertainties. With the transition of a loved one and being a primary supporter of a family member, she was feeling more anxious. Exploring her strengths, Maureen wanted to illuminate the ways she could balance the various demands of her time. She started journaling as a way to brain dump and release some of the stress she was feeling. 

A professional and a community leader, Maureen was beginning to think about what the next chapter of her professional life might be.  The original focus, reimagining work, was still top of mind along with how she envisioned her legacy. Over time, journaling also activated her sadness, so the activity was suspended. Redirecting her attention to doing calming practices, prayer, and meditation, Maureen created space both physically and emotionally to name the sadness related to the uncertainties of the pandemic.

After going through an activity to identify the emotions that were underneath the words, Maureen decided to establish an honoring ritual. Acknowledging all the things that make her whole and the legacy she wants to leave behind was where she wanted to place her attention. 

Centered in her faith, Maureen concluded that writing a book would be a great way to honor her own legacy. It was important to land before taking flight. Now, she is making room for community, purpose, and commitment with more time to rest and reflect. 

“Working with Novelette for more than a year has been the most productive use of my time after leaving corporate life. She is an impactful coach, who helped me see beyond my fears and insecurities in order to see the depth and breadth of my desires. Novelette gently guided me toward my objective, helping me feel empowered and successful. She brought deep listening, timely clarity, and powerful guidance to our coaching session.”

*Pseudonym for privacy

An Unbeatable Advantage: Trust

The very fabric of our human ecosystem is grounded in our need to trust and be trusted. It is fundamental to almost all aspects of life and our interactions. We trust the grocery store where we shop, and that the container of super greens we purchased is in fact triple washed as indicated on the label. We trust our partner who said that they remitted payment for the car insurance and the insurance company will approve a claim for the fender bender. 

There are countless activities throughout the day where we grant and are extended trust. It has no independent existence plus it both arises and disappears across the trust experiences.

The human brain is wired to lead us to trust and collaborate with those in our inner circle and those outside our immediate social group. Our ability to share people’s emotions plus our motivation to cooperate and connect with others are neurological factors that allow us to trust. Experiments around the world have shown that although humans are naturally inclined to trust others they do not always do so.  

Essential to cultivating trust is understanding its drivers on both personal and organizational levels. The pandemic shined a spotlight on the integral mutual relationships between the individual contributor, leadership, and the mutual success of both along with how fragile trust can be. 

Leaders who demonstrate ethical business practices while focused on facilitating a trusting environment centered on a growth mindset reap the benefits of a stronger organization. They cultivate systems that engage and motivate employees who see the alignment between their purpose and the strategic direction of the organization. 

It is not sufficient to populate teams with more diverse perspectives and experiences. Actively cultivating an inclusion mindset, creating conditions that allow diverse team members to bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the process will result in trustworthy behaviors and engaged participation. The diversity of organizations necessitates a multi-stakeholder approach, tailoring communication to individuals and gaining a sense of trust.

Employees in these high trusting environments are encouraged to exchange ideas and experiences to fully realize their own capacity and power. Engaging colleagues in this way energizes them professionally and boosts authenticity. According to Lencioni, “when ‘trust’ is present, I’m ready to be ‘vulnerable’ and to share my ‘vulnerability.’ Their performance and well-being improve.” 

The impact of mistrust at the organizational level is decreased employee motivation, translating to impaired productivity and engagement. The more employees feel mistrusted, the more they worry about their performance, which increases their anxiety levels.

It is no surprise that organizations centered around a trusting culture have a more engaged workforce. Employees are cooperative, collaborative, and connected with their colleagues, often staying longer with their employers. High trust organizations help people develop personally as well as professionally. These organizations improve how people treat each other, creating an environment of well-being.

The Trust Wheel is a way to assess how you’re leading with trust and the ways in which you grant or receive trust:

BETA's wheel of trust

Of the eight attributes listed, how would you rate on a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 how you’re not demonstrating the attribute and 10 you’re fully focused on the attribute?  Share the Trust Wheel with your circle of influencers and ask if they would rate how you demonstrate these attributes to see where there are alignments and gaps. 

Trust is precious and an essential capital for relationships that requires frequent, consistent monitoring to maintain its capacity. Even when trust co-disappears, there are remnants of materials used to construct the truss for the relationship. 

We live in a fluid and dynamic society and are always in transition. Trust means many things to different people. What bolsters trust across the dimensions of your circle of influencers? What are your internal structural components?  Share with us the results of the Trust Wheels exercise.  

At BETA Coaching and Consulting, we strengthen inclusive well-being strategies through forging trusting relationships with our clients.