Trusting the Transformational Field

In helping a client figure out how they wish to approach their inquiry, there is a period of joint discovery. Our engagement in the process is mutual and bidirectional, with the client and the coach trusting the transformational field of the relationship and acknowledgement that there are many unknowns.

Jocelyn* engaged in coaching because her employer encouraged her to do so. As the coach, I had two clients — Jocelyn and her employer. Accountable to both, I was sensitive to the fact that my primary role was to work with Jocelyn in determining what was most meaningful and a balance was struck.

As our sessions progressed, the primary reason for coaching led us to explore what was top of mind at each session. The concerns around Jocelyn’s health were prominent because she had a brain issue that impacted her sight as well as her work.

Jocelyn loves what she does for work, yet the stress of it was wearing her down to the point that she had an emotional outburst at work. Feeling embarrassed about it and not wanting to burden others there was a pinch of shame about crying in front of her manager and coworkers. Jocelyn shared in a session that being the only mixed-race staff and the resulting racial slights uttered by the elderly patients was very painful. Not having the support to process the hurt and frustration she was led to feelings of frustration, dismay, and stuckness that was at time suffocating. She loved her professions, but not the environment.

Jocelyn was working with a Black therapist when she lived in the city, but after moving two hours away she did not have a referral for a similar racially identified clinician. In our sessions, we strategized on how she might find new clinical support, which currently is an ongoing process.

While caring for herself and her patients, Jocelyn started to write down her feelings in a journal. Staying on track with some of her goals – being in touch with family that are out-of-state, resting, managing the neurological diagnosis – while navigating the ebbs and flows of life, she is moving toward caring for herself in a more compassionate way.

While I haven’t experienced every situation my clients face, I meet the client where they are and in an unguarded manner, we explore what is possible at that moment and how to transform that possibility into future moments. Frequently humbled by the ways in which clients vulnerably show up for the process, I appreciate the gifts offered in our sessions that often leads to noticeable transformations.
*Pseudonym for privacy

What will you do with all of the free time?

Kevin*, a sixty-six-year-old employee and customer relationship trainer, entered coaching upon his retirement. Kevin enjoyed many components of his work, including conducting and analyzing customer surveys.  Retirement was difficult given that his wife still worked, and the world was in the midst of a pandemic. As a result, he had a lot of time on his hands. Although Kevin felt supported by his family, he was spending lots of time by himself and felt a little despondent about redefining this phase of his life.

According to Kevin, “During the coaching process, I overcame a couple of rough patches related to settling into retirement and feeling both unmotivated and stuck.” I added preventative care visits to my doctors, worked with a nutritionist, explored hobbies, and discovered ways to virtually stay in touch with my daughter. This period was about determining how to find meaning and maintaining a sense of well-being.

What will you do with all of the free time?This was a reflective activity and Kevin was invited to enter the process either through journaling or talking over the inquiry with his circle of influence. Playing the ukulele was a way he derived pleasure–a hobby that he and his daughter shared and brought much enjoyment to his week. He found getting out for camping trips with friends plus taking both virtual ukulele and guitar lessons were fulfilling.

During our two-year coaching relationship, Kevin attended to his health care priorities, resumed going to the gym, and adopted a nutritional approach that supported his physical well-being objective. His outlook improved, he was sleeping and eating better; and he found that he was dropping some weight. Kevin decided to share his knowledge and years of experience at a college and non-profit organization. Having these outlets gave him a renewed purpose.

At the completion of our coaching session, Kevin shared that he was on the right path for overall well-being.

“From the moment of our first call, I looked forward to our next scheduled call. I found energizing outlets, including playing the guitar and ukulele as well as reconnecting with old friends. You (Novelette) played a significant role in helping me achieve all of that. I am happy when I remember your wonderful, engaging personality and your expert coaching. You are a true professional and I wish you continued success.”

What are your plans for retirement and where do you feel stuck?

*Pseudonym for privacy

Land Before Taking Flight

Maureen* started coaching one month prior to the quarantine (March 2020) with the desire to practice healthy habits that would lead to greater vitality. As a change-maker and influencer with a strong spiritual practice, she wanted to bring satisfaction, stability, and balance to her life. Maureen adopted several movement activities and nutritional practices to decrease her weight by 12% that were steadily implemented with success. She disclosed a pattern of emotional eating that often increased along with her stress levels. 

During the pandemic, Maureen shifted her priority, explored how to better use her time, and addressed the paradoxes of dealing with uncertainties. With the transition of a loved one and being a primary supporter of a family member, she was feeling more anxious. Exploring her strengths, Maureen wanted to illuminate the ways she could balance the various demands of her time. She started journaling as a way to brain dump and release some of the stress she was feeling. 

A professional and a community leader, Maureen was beginning to think about what the next chapter of her professional life might be.  The original focus, reimagining work, was still top of mind along with how she envisioned her legacy. Over time, journaling also activated her sadness, so the activity was suspended. Redirecting her attention to doing calming practices, prayer, and meditation, Maureen created space both physically and emotionally to name the sadness related to the uncertainties of the pandemic.

After going through an activity to identify the emotions that were underneath the words, Maureen decided to establish an honoring ritual. Acknowledging all the things that make her whole and the legacy she wants to leave behind was where she wanted to place her attention. 

Centered in her faith, Maureen concluded that writing a book would be a great way to honor her own legacy. It was important to land before taking flight. Now, she is making room for community, purpose, and commitment with more time to rest and reflect. 

“Working with Novelette for more than a year has been the most productive use of my time after leaving corporate life. She is an impactful coach, who helped me see beyond my fears and insecurities in order to see the depth and breadth of my desires. Novelette gently guided me toward my objective, helping me feel empowered and successful. She brought deep listening, timely clarity, and powerful guidance to our coaching session.”

*Pseudonym for privacy

Manifesting Your Purpose To Thrive

Cynthia* wanted to explore how she could thrive instead of surviving because she was struggling with a sense of isolation during year two of the pandemic and was feeling burned out at work. Although this was Cynthia’s first time working with a coach, she decided to give it a try even though she felt ambivalent about the process. Through conversations with an experienced coach, Cynthia shared what optimal well-being would look like for her, how she could create a sense of wholeness, and what was behind her bad feelings.

Although the changes were slow and steady, Cynthia began to sleep better, and then took meaningful steps to improve her life in big and small ways. Then she started decluttering her physical space, connecting with friends for outdoor activities, and actively seeking a job that would better support her well-being.

Manifesting Your Purpose To ThriveCynthia looked at her pattern of thinking that created the feeling of stuckness, spending several months defining how she was thriving with a sense of gratitude. Empowered with an improved sense of physical and emotional well-being, Cynthia secured a new position paving the way to feel like she was thriving instead of surviving.

“Novelette has a way of listening and asking questions that gets me thinking about how to make positive changes. She heard my desires and needs, then helped me get there., I am so grateful for her coaching, which has made a huge difference in my life.” 

At the completion of our coaching session, I noticed a renewed energy and resolve around how she would sustain what was learned during the coaching process.

*Pseudonym for privacy